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Christian Book Marketing - Responsive Readings for the Modern Church

Title: Responsive Readings for the Modern Church
By: David Rhodes
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Responsive Readings for the Modern Church by David Rhodes is: “A study in the relationships between Bible scriptures in a responsive reading format for use in corporate worship or personal study.” Using key words, this study is similar to a concordance, wherein a person can look up scriptures references. Gleaning from subjects pertinent to each book, the author has selected verses that impact faith, belief, and daily living that give a wide-range of subjects from such books such as: Psalms and Proverbs, with over a thousand footnotes that add to the versatility, incorporating the Old and New Testament books. This book fosters a time for study and meditation in God’s Word that will increase faith and nourishes the soul with the premise that God’s Word is alive and active.
To use this book, readers can simply look up a subject that interests them or perhaps a word like hope. Designed for reflective reading, this is an easy and vital way to study scripture verses that instill hope, encouragement and helps anchor the soul through Jesus Christ and the Word. In the eBook format readers are able to click directly on the footnotes link which will lead them to the WEB (World English Version) online for further study.
Such subjects as: angel, anger, apostle, believe, born, children, chosen, create, David, eternal, faith, forgive, free, God, great, Heaven, holy, hope, Jacob, Jesus, Joseph, joy, Kingdom, laugh, light, Lord, love, majesty, mercy, nothing, peace, power, pray, righteous, sacrifice, salvation, silence, sin, spirit, thanks, water, wisdom, word, work, worship, evil, fool, gold, good, man, the righteous and the  wicked, and so much more, provide a wide spectrum of the scripture verses that speak of Christian values, morals, choosing life and implores readers to live by the Word. As humans, we tend to forget- this book is a good reminder of God’s wisdom that is written onto the tablets of our hearts.
Developed for corporate study or personal reflection, this book is a quick way to ingest the Word and memorize scripture verses to be encouraged and inspired through the Word of God.

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