The Splitting of the Adam: It’s Time to Awaken
by Don Felumee states that it is his, “. . . intention to thoroughly investigate the word of truth regarding the highly debated subject matter of the
coming of the Lord.”
Further revealing an eye-opening book that sheds light on a multi-faceted approach of coming into spiritual maturity for the Bride of Christ and the truth that “the Bible interprets itself” as the author offers an understanding of need for an utter abandonment to Lord and a maturity of the Bride of Christ – as the harvest is first and foremost on the mind of the Lord.
Pivotal and thought-provoking, the author provides insight into Scripture and a preparing the way of the Lord with many levels of teachings. Taking from the premise in Isaiah 28, - “. . . to whom shall he teach knowledge,” the author is revealing Biblical truth in such a fascinating way, giving readers unbelievable insights, as gems, dug out for your view, are put in plain sight. ~ Certainly an enlightening read ~ CBM Book Reviews!
With chapters such as: The “Ends” of the World, Eden’s Analogy, The Death of Adam, The Righteous Shall Never Be Removed, Spare the Rod-Spoil the Child, The Gathering, The Seventh Trumpet, The Twinkling of an Eye, The Meeting in the Air, It Doth Not Yet Appear, Looking for His Appearing, Lightning from the East, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, and Closing Remarks ends confusion about the return of the Lord, the End Times, the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, with additional teachings on Jesus’ parable and Scripture that lead the Body of Christ into spiritual maturity, thus emanating the image of God. Additionally, with Greek root words keen scriptural insight speaks of a transformation within that fosters a renewing of the mind and debunks traditional church beliefs.
Adding that, “The religious church systems, both denominational and nondenomination, alike have lost their first loves. Rather than bringing their converts back into the image of God and revealing to them their true identity.” The author has written a book to reveal true identity and the purpose of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. His book preaches the Kingdom and the transformation of the mind and spirit, to be led as Sons of God by the spirit of God.
This transformation takes place as we continue to reign with Christ as Ambassadors of Christ and His Kingdom. Unveiling the meaning of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, leads us to twelve gates of Heaven that are a Fellowship of Suffering – all must partake of to enter. This is spiritual maturity, as one grows from glory to glory. The Church has forgotten this or does not know it. Dethroning of the carnal mind to a perfected mind in Jesus Christ, as His Bride, is the process the church must go through.
A fascinating read!