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Christian Book Marketing - Christian Author Timna Pilch

Title: Demon Portals: 
A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance
By: Timna Pilch
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance by Timna Pilch reveals the dangers of dabbling in the paranormal, psychic divination, and occult practices. As one who practiced divination, and had a wide-range of experience as a Psychic Medium, the paranormal, demons, visitations and hauntings, this book is an eye-opener.  Her knowledge in occultic practices will surprise many and leave many who read it in awe of the deception and ways that demonic entities infiltrate our lives. Her main purpose in writing this book is to shed light into God’sTruth from The Holy Bible of the absolute dangers and warnings that God gives to those who would continue to dabble in paganism and occultic practices. Revealing just how dangerous this is, her story unveils the supernatural realm, patterns of demons, and the reality of good versus evil that clears the confusion about the paranormal, ghosts, spirits, hauntings, demon possession and entanglement, that offers to readers hope in a future with Christ while simultaneously offering a keen understanding of the invisible world and the battle for our souls.
Beginning with an overview of her childhood, she starts with her birth. Seemingly born with a deep intuition and empathic abilities, her childhood reveals much suffering and trauma that only compounded her emotional state, also being surrounded by demonic entities from birth, that took her down a dark path in life. Explaining her gifts, as what she calls prescience and being an empath, also gave her a unique insight of the supernatural realm, in which most do not experience. Her experiences, pictures and choices only reveal a deeper understanding to readers of the deception and influence the demonic realm has upon our lives, thoughts and spirits through various means.
Her true story is fascinating and her book helps those who are deceived to find truth in the God’s Ways, His Word and the salvation and grace offered to them with a new life in Christ. Additionally, as a Vegan, her book offers further insight into the character of animals, their suffering and advocates “non-consumption” of animal meat and by-products, such as milk and cheese. Christians will be intrigued and find much Biblical foundation and insight into the demonic realm that will give them a better understanding of demons, and for those who are dabbling in witchcraft and the occult, they will understand that they are literally “opening up” demonic portals into their life. Her book gives advice on the only way to get free – Repentance, Redemption, water baptism, prayer and living God’s way of life.
What a wonderful read filled with hope with a future in Christ and His Truth! ~ Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium's Path to Deliverance at Amazon

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Comment by Smitty on September 1, 2017 at 12:09pm

Check Out Timna's book. Life changing for many and eye opening for all. 

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