Title: Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet
By: Piely Paul
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet by Piely Paul is designed as a yearly daily devotional that sheds light on God’s unfailing Word, His promises of protection, safety, peace and love that are available for each one of us. As a Devotional, the book begins on January 1 and ends on December 31st. The book is unique in that the author keeps to theme of restoring, peace, joy and hope. Each page begins with a scripture verse and ends with a concurrent scripture. Living daily in His presence is the main theme and the author encourages all of God’s goodness, God’s character and His ways to having peace and joy in life, helping readers develop a closer walk in their relationship to the Lord.
With hand-selected scripture verses, this book facilitates trust and leaning in on Jesus, just as the Apostle John did. Fresh insights bring renewed hope and life that help readers understand many different facets of redemption and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The book reveals Jesus in such a way as the Good Shepard and the Savior of our souls that it brings understanding and revelation to the reader. Short commentary enhance readers’ understanding of Old and New Testament insight, as the author has included a faith-filled look at some of our the patriarchs, such as Moses and David. With Biblically sound doctrine, the author has combined spiritual truths that add to the book, sharing the promises we have on Earth now, as well as for eternity.
Redemption, the joy of salvation, and restoration make this book, an excellent book for someone needing hope and encouragement. This daily devotional makes for an enjoyable read that helps bring Christian focus on Jesus and His Word and His promises that speak of joy, healing, hope, salvation and safety in Him.
A highly recommended daily devotional!
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