Peter and the Whimper-Whineys (2010) is designed to help parents cope with whining and complaining children. The book is a 2011 Readers Favorite Finalist. Award Winning Author Sherrill S. Cannon is the author of multiple books. Santa's Birthday Gift (2009) was written for ages 3-10 and received the 2011 National Indie Finalist Award and is a 2011…
After firefighter Rainn Harris rescues Geneva Carson from being stuck in a tree, she feels she owes him. Helping to care for his autistic niece comes easy, but her attraction to Rainn is a different story. Being drawn to a man twelve years her junior metes internal havoc as Geneva attempts to balance responsibility and personal fulfillment.…
It's that time again. Time to offer a author's special that will put a smile on your face. Some of you that are reading this have used our services before. Regardless, if you are a current client or a new one, this offer is for you.
Market your book on the following 15 sites for one full year for $39.95. That's just a tad over $2.00 per site for 12 months of book marketing. Now divide that by 365 days and you will find that they don't make change that…
Title: From Heaven to Heaven Author: Joseph F. Hyskell ISBN # 978-1-4357-6431-6 Review Date: July 30th, 2011 Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews 9.8 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
“From Heaven to Heaven” by Joseph F. Hyskell is a valuable chronicle or treatise on the virgin birth, life and…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (A Christian Book Marketing Press Release)
Title: The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God Author: Brian D. Starr ISBN # 978-1463517977 Adapted from book review
“From The Brian Starr Collection”
This is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. It is filled with volumes of knowledge about such topics as Divinity, Papacy, Saints, Royalty, Lineage, Decedents, Ancestry, Doctrine, Scripture Leviticus Lines,…
Author Deborah McCarragher and Brian Starr are now a part of CBM Christian Book Marketing's independent author's pages. We are proud to have you both on board and consider it a privilege to share your books and author's sites with our readers.
From Author Donna Boddy comes Angel With A Mission, a captivating and inspiring story of true love, tragedy, loss, and the restoration, forgiveness and redemption that is found in Christ.
When it comes to building a online presence for the Christian author, Christian Book Marketing offers expanded services that provides Christian authors with a unique and powerful marketing plan. In today's economic market coupled with the increase of book releases through the self publishing industry, authors need to pursue expanded marketing programs to compete within the market. This requires making the right choices and pursuing the right markets.
The Christian Book Marketing blog is a extension of Christian Book Marketing which provides services for the Christian author. From book reviews, to book trailer productions, to author press releases, and expanded online marketing. Christian Book Marketing can provide you with various solutions to help you get the word out about…
Get a full independent authors page at Christian Book Marketing's main website which will provide you with 26 links back to your authors website. That's right, 26 separate links, as there will be a link on each page of our main website.
Looking for a book trailer to showcase your book? Let's create a simple yet powerful book trailer that professionally showcases your book. Then let's market your book trailer on up to 100 sites.
Title: Don’t Forget Daddy Author: By Theresa Franklin ISBN # 978-1-61739-637-3 Review Date: June 07, 2011 Review by: Christian Book Reviews 10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0
Don’t Forget Daddy by Theresa Franklin is a delightful book to read to any young child experiencing change in the family dynamics whether it is…
Here's something that you don't want to pass up and there are only six spots available. Get a full independent authors page with links on 26 separate pages for one full year at Christian Book Marketing.
Deborah McCarragher, author of Mission Possible was the last author to get a authors page at our main website, maybe you will be the next.
Book reviews are powerful. We see them everywhere. On Amazon, Barnes and other great online bookstore sites. Authors put them on the author website, blogs and other great sites.
Check out Christian Book Reviews before choosing your next book reviewer. You might find everything…
Some months ago, we decided to offer some independent author pages at our main website knowing that we would have to place a cap on the amount of pages that we could offer. Currently, there are 8 authors that have a independent authors page at Christian Book Marketing's main website with front page link placement.
Considering that most sites charge $35.00 to $75.00 per month for a spot on their main website, we thought we'd offer a…
Rehearsing for Heaven Mark B. Reed ISBN# 978-1450597777 Date Reviewed: May 10, 2011 Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews 10.0 stars on a scale of 10 stars
Rehearsing for Heaven by Mark B. Reed is a fascinating, intriguing, informative and captivating read that will answer the important questions about eternal life and…
Title: The Treasures Of Darkness Author: Carol Lee Anderson ISBN: 9781453882351 Review Date: April 29, 2011 Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews 9.8 on a scale of 10.0
A must read book, The Treasures Of Darkness by Carol Lee Anderson will keep you coming back for more as this mysterious novel…