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Christian Book Marketing - Christian Author William Luke

God’s Guide to the End Times: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Plain English by  is a fascinating short read of 75 pages that takes readers through the Book of Revelation, explaining God’s timetable for the End Times. With sound doctrine and built from a firm Biblical foundation, the author has divided this book into easy-to-read sections; thereby unveiling each revelation - to the churches, the 7 seals, the seven vials, and the signs, the interludes and the continuing procession of events that one can look for in these Last Days.
No doubt the Book of Revelation is a difficult book to understand, as the title denotes. The author has written this book to shed light and give understanding to the troubles and trials that will come upon the world suddenly. The author also decodes much symbolism contained in the Book of Revelation. Designed as an easy-to-read interpretation of the prophecies and mysteries held within the Book of Revelation, the author has done a spectacular job in tying all the revelation together, thus waking up the complacent, the unbeliever and the compromising Church. Eye-opening to say the least, one will soon come to realize that their “. . . redemption draweth Nye” as Christ’s Second Coming will come suddenly.
Further interwoven with detailed scripture verses, and coupled with a keen understanding of Biblical prophecy, the author begins his book with an Introduction to Christ’s Revelation, and divides the book into twelve sections, each representing preludes, introductions, and interludes that correlate to a chronological chart (via numbered paragraphs within the book) that help readers to understand the End Time timeline in a chronological fashion. (This giant chart is free and in full color.) As the author notes, the Book of Revelation “flips back and forth to past and future events,” thus the timeline chart will greatly help readers grasp a better understanding of the events scheduled in God’s grand plan for the End of the Age.
Truly, this book is written for “Such a Time as This” giving Christians and non-believers an understanding of the Book of Revelation. As the End Time Church, we are watching on a daily basis the unfolding to this great mystery, wouldn’t it be comforting to know where we are at? Instead of being unsure, or feeling great dread, there is not only comfort in knowing what’s coming next, as this subject should be on everyone’s mind. And to those who “don’t believe” may it be a wake up call to know the times we are in. Christ says to “watch” and gives warnings for those who do not believe and are unrepentant; Christ also gives blessings for those who obey the prophecies in the Book (pointing to the Book of Revelation).
Be among those who have studied and have been approved by God as a ready workman, welcoming the coming of the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ. 
This is a highly recommended read for all Christians and non-believers alike! Readers will also appreciate the great amount of work that has been put into this book. Additionally, this book can be read as a personal study or within a group setting.
Title: God’s Guide to the End Times: 
The Revelation oF Jesus Christ in Plain English
By: William Luke
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

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