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Christian Book Marketing - Why God Wills You to Suffer

A CBM Christian Book Review ~Daunting as the title may seem, Why God Wills You to Suffer, by William Lolli is worth the read to those deep thinkers that ask: “Why does God allow suffering?” Within this, the author gives his experience and journey that led him on a mission to understand why a God whose character is Holy, Sovereign, and All Powerful seemingly “allows” suffering on such a grand scale. Although this book is not comprehensive in nature, the author relates some of his personal experiences and what the Scriptures say about suffering in this well-researched book. 
 Declaring the universal truth that there is suffering upon this fallen world, the author makes a demarcation between the Deistic concept of God, as the great clock-maker allowing suffering as an uncontrolled consequence, and the Sovereign God willing suffering as an expression of His Own Divine Nature. Starting with the concept that man was made in the image of God and connecting it to man’s built-in capacity to intimately know the Infinite God, the author takes the reader through the step-by-step divine choreography of man’s creation and the dynamics of Adam and Eve’s failure as part of His Plan and Will. 
 Suffering itself is analyzed; not just in its physically manifested magnitude but across all of mankind’s history, to include its more deeply meaningful moral and spiritual impacts upon all of creation. The beginning origins and ultimate end of suffering is discussed, with revealed Scripture leading the way to shed light on this dark and troubling topic. 
 Unlike other books written on the subject of suffering that pin a donkey’s tail on the roles of Satan or man’s freewill failures as the prime movers of suffering in the world,Why God Wills You to Suffer elevates and connects suffering to the other known divine attributes of the Almighty such as Love, Justice, Transcendence, Omniscience and the consistent theme in Scripture of God’s desire to intimately draw all of mankind to a deeper knowledge of Himself. 
 The author challenges the Christian reader in what it takes to “take up your cross” and follow Jesus [Matthew 16:24], since a spirit-filled believer will be a participating, moral co-sufferer with God in a world that is utterly corrupt and fallen. In this, the call to be a light in a dark place has never been more clear. Wide in scope and daily application, Why God Wills You to Suffer is not for the faint at heart. This is not a “feel-good” book because it addresses the really hard questions that many spend a lifetime avoiding. If you have ever struggled with the perplexing question of why a good God can seemingly standby and permit suffering in the world, this book is for you. 

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