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Christian Book Marketing - Exodus Our Story Too

This is an invigorating and insightful Bible study into God’s ways depicting the exodus of the children of Israel as our example. This journey brings spiritual maturity. In particular, this book offers the process of “growing in faith” and what that looks like inwardly and outwardly to the individual. Designed as an individual or group Bible study guide, this book comes highly recommended to ALL Christians, whether one is a new or mature believer; this book is for anyone looking to deepen their faith and trust in God ~ CBM Christian Book Editing.
Exodus: Our Story Too! From Slavery to the World to the Kingdom of God by Patricia Said Adams is a Biblical study guide that offers deep insight into God’s will for all His children. This book reveals a template that God still uses in our redemption, sanctification, and consecration to Him in all our ways. This process of slavery to the world’s ways and freedom in Christ is often a journey that takes place in the believers’ minds and hearts resulting in holiness. Relevant and insightful, this is a spiritual journey to maturity, from the shedding of the old ways into His the new ways– into His Kingdom where faith and trust abide in God alone. In this new book, one will discover the reasons for the wilderness experiences, as the author highlights it as an alignment with His will that brings blessings, rest, peace and God-given purpose.
In the Exodus story, we see the Israelites’ cry for freedom from the tyranny of the Egyptians. God hears their cries and sends a Deliverer, Moses. Depicting a step-by-step of awakening, purging and union to God that will take place through the forty years in the desert, the author relates Scripture in such a way that presents this template to spiritual maturity and faith.
Written to teach, instruct and encourage believers through the process, readers see that God brings the Israelites to the Promised Land, but not before, the original generation has died off. Why? Lack of faith and unbelief, no doubt a sad story! With that in mind, the author highlights Joshua and Caleb. Those chosen, and who would believe God for all that God had promised to the Israelites. Therefore, the book uncovers the book of Joshua giving insight and direction to this new generation that would enter The Promised Land.
The desert experiences are to awaken our spirits, refine us, and prosper us to a new land as we believe in His Kingdom that becomes visible in the here and now. Learning to abide and completely trust is where His will becomes our wills. His Word becomes alive to us and we can live in His promises. This is the Promised Land of rest, overflowing with milk and honey. In this place all our needs are met and God is the center. The book relates how we can discover His Kingdom on Earth.
The author explains to readers that, “To all the questions and yearning in our lives, there is but one answer: God. All our longings cannot be filled by more and more material stuff or the perfect job or a beautiful wife or husband or enough money—that is all that that the culture offers us for fulfillment. If you’ve tried to find fulfillment through any or all of these paths, you have been left with longing for something more and have been greatly disappointed.” Giving practical Biblical advice, that include keen scriptural interpretations and many testimonies of God’s divine intervention and process in others’ lives, this book is an enjoyable read into the heart of God as the Israelites journey through the wilderness led by God.
Exodus: Our Story Too! 
From Slavery to the World to the Kingdom of God
By: Patricia Said Adams
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars
You may get your copy of Exodus: Our Story Too! at Amazon.

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