In All Things is the sequel to Shawna Williams’ debut novel NoOther, a touching and heart felt story of God’s faithfulnessamidst the seemingly impossible circumstances surrounding a young couple whofind themselves in love during the post World War Two era. I loved NoOther and was quite honestly skeptical about what a sequel might hold.When I first started to read In All Things, I almost didn’t wantto continue. I was satisfied withthe ‘happily ever after’ of the first book, and I wanted it to stay that way.But Williams skillfully drew me in, as the next phase of Jakob’s and Meri’slife together unfolded. Let me tell you, there were plenty of surprises, includingsome heart wrenching moments and a few brutally honest scenes that kept meturning the pages once I quieted the voice inside that wanted the original fairytale to continue. I’m glad I did. In the end, book number two is even moresatisfying than book one, if that were possible. This book is full of depth inboth the complexity of the plot and the realistic portrayal of the characters.Williams is also able to weave a strong message of God’s continuingfaithfulness throughout, without making the reader feel as if they have beenhammered over the head. It’s one of those reads that leaves you thinking longafterwards, not able to dismiss the insights you’ve gained quite as easily aswould be expected. Bravo to Shawna Williams and high praise for InAll Things. This book proves that Shawna Williams is an author of substanceand I look forward to reading what else she has to offer in the future.
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