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Title: The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life
By: Happiers Simbo
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life by Happiers Simbo gives readers an understanding of the blessings of the incarnate Christ and salvation. Presenting the Gospel of Christ, the author presents a firm biblical insight that offers readers a better understanding of what it means to be born again and to become a new creation.  This book is written to present salvation, in hopes that readers’ eyes will be spiritually opened.  The author then gives understanding on way to establish a relationship with Christ, proclaiming the eternal life through Christ, and continuing on how to live a truly godly life from the Word of God. Believers and un-believers alike will be encouraged to understand the many blessings and riches of His Kingdom. Some may think that there are many paths to Heaven, but there is only One who can offer the forgiveness of sins and offers eternal life-Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.
This is fantastic read for all Christians, new believers and unbelievers alike, although not for those that wish to compromise the Word of God.  Sharing the truth of the Gospel, the author begins with the fall of man to the crucifixion of Jesus, the author builds upon scripture that are sure to leave an imprint on one’s soul.  Revealing truth, this is an amazing book giving clear understanding on what it means to be born again (born from above) with the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of revelation revealing truth in the Word, Jesus Christ and the new life Christ came to offer all who would believe.
A highly recommended read and inspiring, evangelistic guide to understanding the many blessings of Christ to bring about a better understanding of the Bible, repentance, and salvation that sheds light on many facets through the Bible about the crucifixion, the resurrection, the many testimonies surrounding the resurrection, the apostles, Pentacost, water baptism, the apostles, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, healing, the spiritual life, and so much more. 
The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life available at Amazon, in Kindle and elsewhere at fine online bookstores online.

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