Deluxe Red Letter Edition This is a special "red letter collector's edition"...paying tribute to the "red letter edition" Bibles....with all the words of Jesus in red.
And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted.” [Matthew 13:10]
The Red Letter Parables by Bob Palumbo presents a walk through the mysteries of the parables of Jesus by only focusing on the “words in red” that Jesus spoke. Revealing that, in fact, Jesus is the Master Storyteller.
Have you ever wondered exactly what is a Tare? And why, Jesus said to let them grow together until the Harvest? These answers and more are explained in this exciting new book: The Red Letter Parables
by Bob Palumbo.
Taking 40 parables, the book through the Gospels of the New Testament, Bob Palumbo investigates exactly what Jesus’ messages were through these stories. With fascinating insight, blended with research from various commentaries, a rich cultural and historical perspective sheds light on the actual chronological order of the parables. Looking at the parables from this viewpoint gives a much bigger impact and brings a better understanding of Jesus’ parables.
By presenting “bunches” and a zooming in and out perspective help readers gain an understanding as to “why” Jesus spoke these stories as He did. Hidden within Jesus’ storyline, is an amazing announcement of a new way and a New Covenant being announced to the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus’ Day.
With this, Bob Palumbo blends an easy-to-read simple format and writing style that speaks to the layperson just as much as it does a pastor. With keen scriptural interpretation, the book lends to not only the overall picture of each parable, but zooms in for close-ups, much as a person would take a photograph.
Readers will be amazed and enlightened, finding increased faith as the messages that Jesus conveyed to His contemporaries, announced the Kingdom of God that was at hand, and was upon them in the flesh, in the form of a man, the sacrificial lamb of God, Jesus, the Son of God.
Profound, these parables will touch your life and bring increased faith. Relevant to today’s believer, these parables impact us as much as they did when Jesus told them. Readers will come to see the Son of Man, His resilience and as the Savior of the World, that knows All things. One will also discover the nature of God as a loving, gracious and kind, compassionate God, but One who is no pushover.
The 40 parables are arranged in such a way that this book would also make a great 40-day devotional or be perfect for a home group or Bible study.