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Christian Book Marketing - Tending the Warrior Soul

Tending the Warrior Soul by Louis Harrison
In war there are traumas to the soul that are not assuaged for the warrior by even the most excellent psychological care, medical interventions, and official support programs. Tending the Warrior Soul helps to advance understanding of this soul damage, and offers support, encouragement, lessons from personal experience, counsel, challenge, and resources to those God has called to care for warriors' souls, as well as to the warriors themselves and their loved ones. 
"Ministry to war experienced troops begins and ends with a servant's heart. We must 'remake' our worldview, expand our theological reference points, and accommodate our civilized views about violence, cruelty, right and wrong to the uncivilized applications of war. Neither God nor His commandments change, for these are the anchor points, trustworthy and sure. ... Teaching people to sort through the reality of God while sifting through the ashes of soul, spirit, and mind burned in the consequences of war is not 'routine' business. Ministry to warriors is transformative." From Foreword, by Colonel Mike Hoyt, Chaplain, U.S. Army, Retired. 
Lou Harrison never dreamed of "writing a book," and was embarrassed when it was suggested. The thoughts he had been writing down during his years of ministry were for his own understanding and growth in ministry to combatants. His words, advice and insight have been tested for accuracy and usefulness through feedback from war-experienced friends, extending from young grunts to ranking line officers and chaplains.
You may get your copy of Tending the Warrior Soul at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Visit the author at Author Louis Harrison.

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