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Christian Book Marketing - If You Truly Loved Christ

If You Truly Loved Christ, You Would Be Keeping More Than Just Ten of His Commandments by Lord S.G. Vanwells speaks to Christians, providing information, and thus encourages maturity in the Body of Christ by helping others to understand what Christ’s commandments are through the application of biblical wisdom.
His book speaks to the believer who understands that becoming Christ-like means that you “Do” His commandments, taking seriously the call to be set apart and made holy, just as Scripture denotes that all believers are to partake of becoming Christ-like. First stating that, “The primary goal of this entire writing endeavor . . . is to build your spiritual and heavenly worth by conforming to God and Christ’s stated biblical wishes.” The author builds on Biblical and Hebrew roots of Jesus (Yeshua), using the two names interchangeably. Thus, offering insight into the rich biblical history, location and roots of the Twelve Tribes, to include the branch of religion we call “Christianity”, asking, “What Does it all mean to love Jesus and follow His commandments?” Therefore, challenging modern-day believers to “re-think” what sin is and what does it mean to be righteous.
To ask that question, one must know what the expectations are from Yeshua (Jesus). With that in mind, the author takes readers on a journey and offers a look at what Jesus’ personal biblical requests throughout Scripture, and offers commentary and an overview of the Messiah Himself. He also gives a fair warning of controversy in the beginning of his book as well, as this subject is the center of controversy and has been for many years.
The book does give readers a plethora of information to consider: concerning Jesus, Israel, the Twelve Tribes, blessings & curses, the roots of Christianity (to include many of the holidays celebrated today in America, with additional information on the Catholic priests and a common Catholic mistranslation).  With such chapters as: What is Sin?, 248 Positive Commandments of the 613 Commandments/How Yeshua was Sinless, 365 Negative Commandments of 613 Commandments of God, Problems with Paul, Common Christian Misinterpretations, Promised Blessings and Curses (Signs of Judah), Why Yeshua Died for Israel’s Curses and Sins, Where are the Twelve Tribes Today?, Honorable Mention, (with included cites, notations, bibliography, and webography, and links). This is an insightful, often surprising, and historically inclusive book of many unknown related data regarding historical dates (such as Christmas), and Roman ties to idol worship that readers will find unbelievable, yet verifiable.
Most importantly, the book points out that if you love Christ, you will do His commands. He points to true Christianity as a relationship with Yeshua, living out each day, following Him.
An amazing read. You may get your copy of If You Truly Loved Christ at Amazon or as a download in Kindle. Be sure to visit the author at S.G. Vanwells.

Title: If You Truly Loved Christ, 
You Would Be Keeping More Than Just Ten of His Commandments
By: S.G. Vanwells
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

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