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Christian Book Marketing - Christian Fiction Books

World War S: The Silence Begins (Book 1) and The Servants of the Dragon (Book 2) by Stephen Paul Thomas combine elements of a science fiction thriller novel with a religious twist that is an intense page turner ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.
Set sometime in the near future, the world has become a place of darkness. On the edge of economic and social collapse, key elements of society have changed: no Christianity allowed and the pursuit of seeking the divine through other means is elevated to a worldwide phenomenon. Seeking diviners and fortunetellers offer an escape for those upon the Earth, an escape tailored to meet their fleshly desires, leading them away from truth and into deception.

Two key characters, Josh and Julie, are the mainstay characters, along with other side events simultaneously occurring. Josh is a lighthearted boy with an amazing prophetic and revelatory ability. Julie is an ER doctor and physiologist whose focus has become more of an experiment to understand the nature of her clients’ Near Death Experiences (NDE). Her inquires are rooted in explaining the connection of the mind, soul and afterworld upon the cessation of life.

Heart pounding, riveting, and full of suspense, this novel is fast-paced and although a fiction novel, the scenarios depicted seem to be a plausible future considering world events, i.e., persecution of the Saints and a false religion that explodes. What would the world look like without the truth of God’s Word? Being a Christian is outlawed and it seems the world is on the edge of collapse. The author paints a vivid picture that blends elements of science fiction, demonic entanglement and the spiritual world that shed light into World War S.

Intriguing, this spiritual world war sounds vaguely familiar - What if the world was really like this?  And we are already living in this time or on the brink of total economic and social collapse, which brings such deception, demonic oppression and anarchy? All questions you can explore within this “brutally good,” “The reality of the demonic,” “Prophetic,” and “Genious” book.

A highly recommended author and series to follow! Quite unique.

Get your copy of World War S at Amazon.

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