God's Avenger Michael, The Imprecatory Angel Author: Daniel John Gura
ISBN # 978-1-4141-1091-2
Review Date: January 29, 2011
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10 stars
A movie in the making, "God’s Avenger Michael, The Imprecatory Angel" written by Daniel John Gura is a exciting, gripping and fascinating read. This pro-life Christian fiction novel will touch your heart and cause you to ponder one of today's most controversial and profound issues - the lives of the unborn. A fiction novel that is interwoven with life, truth and realities of monumental proportion.
The author's writing style will keep you hanging on the edge of your seat coupled with an expectancy of what the next page, character or chapter will bring. There are no idle sections to be found in this book which flows from one page to the next. You will not be able to put the book down as each situation unfolds and the next is birthed. The book is captivating and engaging as the author portrays the righteousness of God being inflicted upon the evil and wickedness of mankind through this Imprecatory Angel, Michael.
Each character comes to life in this fast paced novel as the author describes each scene with real intensity and real-life drama. As each situation unfolds, the book reads like an action movie on paper. The author makes you feel as if you are right there with the characters as they try to unravel the unfolding mysteries of the disasters happening around them. From rumors to hypotheticals, something is unfolding beyond the natural with the supernatural taking the forefront.
Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were spared in Old Testament times with all unharmed 'without even the smell of smoke' on their clothing or a scratch on their persons. Just like the plagues of Moses that were unleashed on Egypt in biblical times, this book has supernatural, righteous judgement and justice woven all through the mesmerizing pages, all the while bringing praise and glory to God.
This is a timely and important piece of work addressing one of today's most controversial issues - saving the lives of the unborn. After reading this book, one must come to the conclusion of considering the life of the unborn to be to monumental to just sit down and remain silent. This pro-life novel reveals God's justice that is magnificent in scope, supernatural in nature and just as evil was destroyed back in Old Testament times, the author reveals, God still hears the imprecatory prayers of his Saints and answers prayers with a righteous cause. Good triumphs over evil in this magnificently written novel, while lives are forever changed in the process.
A highly recommended book not just because of the cause, but because it is superbly written from the opening page to the closing page. As was stated in the opening sentence of this review, "God's Avenger Michael, The Imprecatory Angel" is a movie in the making.
God's Avenger Michael, The Imprecatory Angel