Christian Author Book Marketing

authors, author promotions, book marketing, christian authors, christian books,

Author Promotions, Book Marketing Tips

Having A Marketing Plan
Having both a marketing plan and a budget to work with is very important for all authors when it comes to author promotions and book marketing. Taking the time to find the right marketing strategy and target the right market is equally important. 

Authors Websites /  Blogs
An authors web site and blog both become places where book lovers, bookstore managers and other interested parties can find out about the author, his/her books and other valuable information. Another aspect of this is that a author can place their web site address, blog address and other online information on author related business cards, book markers, post cards, letters of introduction, etc. and online at various sites of interest. Having your own authors web site and blog is laying the ground work for many other important marketing tools. 
Strategic Expanded Online Marketing
While at the same time, creating a strategic expanded online marketing presence that promotes and markets the author's web site and blog is also important. If know one knows how to find your author's website and/or blog, chances are they won't find out about you as a author or your book.
Authors Website vs. Authors Blogs
While a authors web site should be a priority, so should a authors blog because blogs allow you to tap into the online blogging world, which is much different from the world of web sites. Both are important and especially when it comes to tapping into the power of the Internet.
Marketing Your Authors Website / Blog - The Right Tools
Once a author has established a professional working web site and/or blog. Next comes using marketing tools to further market the author, the author's book and the author's website and/or blog. Such tools like professional book reviews, book trailers, press releases, and using expanded online marketing all play important roles in creating and establishing a strong professional online presence, readership and following.
Local Book Signing Events
Another very important part of being a author should be pursuing book signings at local book stores in your area. Book signings produce book sales while also promoting the author, the book and also have the potential of opening other doors for a author. Provided that a author starts by launching a authors website and/or blog, the author will be able to share such with both bookstore managers and at local bookstores with potential book lovers that visit the authors table.
Check out our website at: Christian Book Marketing

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