God’s miracles happen every day and to ordinary people. The key to receiving and seeing God’s miracles is to know how to ask for them. Another requirement is someone who is powerful enough and capable of performing the miracle. The person needing the help must be prepared to receive their miracle. They will need to give it much prayerful thought before asking. These are the basic elements that go into creating a miracle. But now, what is needed is a reliable way of contacting the One who will grant the miracle.This book contains many real-life stories of miracles that came to people in their hour of greatest need. In every case, there was a small stone pocket cross that helped make the connection possible. Read through the stories and maybe you will find someone’s situation similar to your own. But even if you do not, you will come to realize that when you ask God for something that is good, you will always get an answer. You may even get a miracle!