Ten Things I Must Know – Bible Stories
Elizabeth Akinteye
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Ten Things I Must Know- Bible Stories by Elizabeth Akinteye is a delightful and beautifully illustrated book that teaches young children the detailed meaning of The Ten Commandments. With the use of Biblical characters such as: Abraham, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Moses, Samson, Cain and Able, David and Bathsheba, Jezebel and much more, the author illustrates each commandment.
The commandments are taught in such a way that give children a clear understanding of what obedience to God is in our hearts, minds and actions. With ease, the author translates the commandments into language that young children can understand with their young minds, giving hope, faith and encouragement to follow God’s ways. The stories are short enough to keep the interest of young children and the images are professional and impressive. The book is recommended for children between the ages of 6 and 12. This is a fun and entertaining way to teach The Ten Commandments to young children that will enrich their lives for their lifetime.
At the end of the book some quizzes and a word search are included to make this reading an absolute fun and adventurous discovery that is designed for school age children. In this way, comprehension is tested and this is a proven tool used by educators to help young minds gain retention of material that is taught. This book comes highly recommended for Christian parents or home schooling parents that want to teach their children The Ten Commandments in a fun and memorable way.