Title: Caught in a Cycle
By: Amy B. Crowe
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Caught in a Cycle by Amy B. Crowe tells a delightful and humorous story of a young boy named JJ and his cycle that led him to the “wrong side of the bars.” With a smile, it is my pleasure to recommend this book as the author has addressed relevant issues that children face everyday in a memorable and funny way. Filled with witty humor, readers will love Amy B. Crowe’s writing style as she combines life-lessons of always telling the truth instead of lying as JJ finds out and that bullying is never a good idea. This is a fantastic, fun and memorable children’s book that is filled with wholesome life-lessons that reflect a Christian perspective, brought to life through vivid illustrations. Children and parents alike will adore this little children’s book.
JJ begins by telling one little lie just to get out of being bullied by the school bully, Bo. Finding himself spouting off one lie after another just to get out of the first lie, he was finally “caught” by his mom. Explaining that his first lie was only to get out of being bullied (which seemed like a good idea at the time), JJ then realizes that each lie just led to a bigger lie; until he had weaved an unbelievable story of his talents and his dad as a policeman! Caught in a Cycle is certainly an appropriate name!
Cute and funny, the author weaves the innocence of little JJ with humor kids and parents alike will love that teach them that there is only one way – tell the truth, all the time. And that being a bully also bears punishment as both kids will never forget the punishment, from the “wrong side of the bars!” Read on and you will see what that means.
This book comes highly recommended for Christian parents with young children that want to teach them good morals that telling lies and bullying is never acceptable behavior and that there is only one way to be, truthful and kind.
As an added note, this author writes with such simplicity and childlike humor, fully develops scenarios and characters that are to the point, but downright laughable … Perhaps, the book will bring back some of your own “hilarious childhood moments and memories.”
Highly recommended as it addresses the issues children often deal with in a funny and light manner that also relay, choices have consequences.