As a parent, do any of you struggle like we did trying to find interesting
kids books that teach obedience or telling the truth, sharing, being a good friend without being preachy or boring. We bought an entire series of kids books and would dread when our kids asked us to read one of them because they were hard to read and frankly not very interesting or realistic.
There are great kids books out there but the ones that make me want to pick them up again and again are the ones that are more realistic and even make me laugh a little because it may be real but it’s humorous.
You read a kids book and a scene from the book makes you smile and say, “Yep, mine have done that,” or “I can see mine doing that too.” You can relate. It’s like the author actually has kids and has gone through what you are experiencing and knows how you feel.
Even if your child is already reading on their own, doesn’t it make you smile when you hear them laugh because they are reading and enjoying it. When they ask questions about a character who goes through some of these examples, that opens up conversations for you to share about honesty, bullying, obedience, selfishness, gossiping and so much more.
Sometimes kids have a hard time admitting they make many of these mistakes but if you can take the character and talk about them and how they were a bad sport or they were wasteful, or greedy, or destructible with their toys, it helps the child realize how they have been doing the same thing. It can open up conversations for you to share with your child the right way to handle a certain situation.
As a parent of three, I wanted my children and others as well to be able to enjoy reading while learning a valuable lesson about real life situations.
Please check out
Changed By a Catch and have fun reading about a young boy named JJ and his two sisters. JJ is prone to mischief but learns valuable lessons in the end. He deals with disobedience, strangers, and not judging others by outward appearance.
Stay tuned for Book two called Caught in a Cycle which deals with lying and bullying, both prevalent in today’s society!