Title: Who is a Perfect Man? Who is a Perfect Woman?
By: Bamidele Kings
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Who is a Perfect Man? Who is a Perfect Woman? by Bamidele Kings is a Bible study series of Psalm 15, coupled with examples from Scripture, examples and personal experience that will encourage readers to study the Word of God and bring a closer walk God. Derived from his own personal trials, the knowledge and insight the author offers sheds light on using the Bible as our foundation from which to live from. His insight and knowledge of the Scriptures, coupled with true Biblical examples and teachings help readers understand Jesus Christ and encourage all to be intimate with God on a personal level.
With such powerful, life-changing chapters as: The Soveriegn God, El Roi – the God who sees me, The Lord Who Sanctifies, El Elohe Yiserael – God, The God of Israel, Jehovah Tsidkenu-The Lord our Righteousness, The Lord Who Sanctifies, Jehovah Rohi –The Lord is My Shepherd, The Adoni –The Lord My Great, God is Love, Thou Shall be a Good Minister!, The Priesthood of Jesus Christ, Jehovah Shalom-The Lord is Peace, this book will re-focus you!
With a powerful anointing to preach the Word of God and share the Good News, this book written by a Senior Pastor helps readers come to understand that the Lord is really Lord of ALL. This is a wonderful, well-written, and Scripture focused read on God, Who He is and what you have as a child of the Most High God.
Highly recommended for all Christians not only to ignite or re-kindle faith in the One who loved us first, but also to set matters straight within ourselves and the Church.