Title: The Inside Word:
An Inside Look at the Family of God
By: Guy Peter Calandra
ISBN #978-1604777468
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Inside Word: An Inside Look at the Family of Godby Guy Peter Calandra speaks to those who seek God and is written to answer questions of who God is and who Jesus Christ is in a well written journey into the Eternal God – Immanuel with us.
Shedding light on the nature of God as Eternal, Omnipresent, Holy, the book reveals that God is love. Readers will discover His Son, Jesus Christ and His human parents on Earth as the author poignantly asks God seekers, “Where and how are you seeking God?” And more importantly, are you finding Him? As one who had tried other forms of spirituality in his quest to “find God” the author points out that he didn’t find him in any of the methods he tried: meditation, yoga, Eastern mysticisicm, self awareness, nature or perhaps spiritual systems that speak of God. In all that the author tried, he thought, “I’ll try the Bible again? And if I don’t find God, there is no God!” You guessed it! He did find Him, God, the God of the Bible.
This is his story that speaks of the God of the Bible, gives accounts from the Bible from the story of Joseph and Mary, in hopes of bringing a clear understanding of the nature of God, the personage of the Father and His Son Jesus Christ that reveals how and why faith in Jesus Christ is important to your eternal destiny.
Filled with Scripture and written in a way that helps readers know, understand and find the God of the Bible as “Immanuel with us.” Highlighting the birth of Christ and Joseph and Mary, Jesus’ human parents on Earth, the author invites readers to encounter the One true living God. Exciting and intriguing, the author presents an easy-to-read style that reveal God as the author of all of Creation. This book will dispel doubts you have had about God, His Son, Jesus Christ and salvation in Him.
If you have faith questions, and need answers as to “why” you should believe, this book comes highly recommended. For those atheists and agnostics out there, this book is also recommended because it is written from one who understands science. This is a Biblically based read that intertwines truths of Scripture to help one understand that God is alive and real, in hopes that your eyes of faith will be opened.