Are you looking for a simple book trailer that professionally markets your book? Book trailers are a powerful marketing tool. We see them being used all over the internet by both authors and publishers to market books.
One of the problems that most authors have shared with us is the cost to have a book trailer created. So as a recent addition to our book marketing services, we have added book trailer creations as a part of our services less all the high dollar look at me flash and at affordable prices. Afterall the purpose of creating a book trailer is to sell books, not get best video of the year while paying a arm and a leg for it.
The following two video's are for your viewing pleasure as simple samples. Simply visit Book Trailer Productions and view the two samples which are just a tad over a minute long. You will see two book trailer samples of the same book.
The 1st book trailer offers black backgrounds with white fonts, simple and clean. The second book trailer offers a colored background (that matches a color in the actual book cover) with colored fonts, yet still simple and clean. Of course we can create endless backgound colors, font colors, utilize our photography or your photography, graphics and so on. However, the whole purpose of these two book trailers are simply to provide you with a simple sample of a affordable book trailer that we can create for you using Photoshop CS3 / 4 and some other high end programs.