Tokyo Bossa Nova, by Martin Roth, introduces Feisty Ferreira, a unique and interesting character that is sure to show up in a sequel or two. Geologist turned financial analyst, she is a divorced Christian in her thirties; originally from Brazil, educated in the States, and now living in Australia. If that isn’t enough, she’s a philanthropist of sorts and owns an orphanage in the Philippines. She’s also a bit of a sleuth, fearlessly sniffing out trouble despite herself. I really like this character and I look forward to reading more books with her as the star.
In Tokyo Bossa Nova, strange things are taking place at Feisty’s place of employment. Feisty is sent to Tokyo to investigate the take over of a small Australian oil company. It appears that the Tokyo mafia might be involved. Previous to her trip, one of her colleagues was murdered in the office for no apparent reason. While in Japan, she discovers that a distant relative is being blackmailed. Mishaps, misinformation, a kidnapping, an explosive hijacking, and even a hint of romance are all part of a ‘day in the life’ of Fiesty Ferreira.
This is a great book in the style of corporate espionage. It is engaging and well written with plenty of details about the corporate side of things without overwhelming those of us that don’t understand it all. There are a lot of characters, which was sometimes confusing, but the fact that the book is written in first person from Feisty’s point of view keeps it moving along at a brisk enough pace as to not become tedious.
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