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Three Days of Darkness and the Coming Flood

Jesus left a definite sign of His one and only return. He called it the sign of the Son of Man. Matthew 24 was meant to lead us to Isaiah 13. Jesus was quoting Isaiah when He spoke of the sun, moon and stars going dark. Isaiah and Matthew match exactly except for details about the stars.

Jesus says they fall to the earth. Isaiah says, they grow dark. Both are true. Isaiah explains that the earth moves away from the sun due to a nuclear war between the Medes (present day Kurds) and Babylon (present day Iraq).

Jesus' explanation is telling us how it will look as the earth moves out of its orbit. It will appear as though the stars are falling, but what will actually be happening is that the earth will be moving out of orbit. This will send the earth into total darkness for three days. jesus called this the sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24. This darkness equates to the three days Jesus (the light of the world) went missing as He lay in the grave. He told the Scribes and Pharisees this was the only sign they would receive that He was indeed the promised Messiah.

You must remember that they specifically asked for a sign FROM HEAVEN! This is why this sign will occur. jesus said, "Henceforth you shall see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power coming in glory (Jesus' second coming). "Behold! Every eye shall see Him including those who pierced Him on the cross (the Scribes and Pharisees).

Jesus will answer their request for a sign from heaven as they are resurrected at His second coming. But this is only the beginning of what Isaiah prophesied was coming. There is much to be discussed. Get my book available in digital and paperback. visit my website for more information and two full chapters free.


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