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My new book on the return of Jesus. There is a common misconception that Jesus said no one knows the day nor the hour of His coming in Matthew 24. This however is not what Jesus said. He said that no one knew the day nor the hour of heaven and earth's destruction. This is the day and hour He was referring too. His Father does this in Revelation 20:11.
This however has nothing to do with knowing when Jesus is returning. Jesus left His followers a definite sign to look for. He called it the sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24. He told us the sun, moon and stars would not give their light just before the trumpet was blown for the rapture and the angels were sent to gather the elect. He was quoting from Isaiah 13.
Isaiah states that there will come a shaking of the heavens which will be caused by a nuclear war between the Medes (today's Kurds) and Babylon (Iraq). Iraq will be totally destroyed and no one will ever live there again. This war will send the earth out of orbit according to Isaiah 13:10-13. This is when Jesus' words in Matthew 24 will come into play about the sun, moon and stars not giving their light upon the earth.
This darkness will last three days. I arrive at this conclusion based upon a pattern which is throughout Scripture. Genesis 1 opens with three days of darkness upon the earth. Yes God said, "Let there be light long before the fourth day. However, God also explains to us that He seperated the light from the darkness. He did not permit the light to enter into the darkness until the fourth day. He places the sun, moon and stars to light the earth at that time.
These first three days of darkness are meant to honor the time Jesus would spend in the grave. We see this same sign of the Son of Man occur as God makes His covenant with Abram in Genesis 15. A horrible darkness falls upon Abram as the contract is made. Again we see it when Abram's descendants are delivered from Egypt. Three days of darkness fall upon Egypt as Moses lifts his hands toward heaven symbolizing Jesus on the cross.
Next we see it as Jesus is on the cross. Three hours of darkness fall upon Israel as Jesus is on the cross. This is a mini version of the same sign. Then Jesus who is the light of the world is buried for three days. The world goes into spiritual darkness.
This is the sign of the Son of Man Jesus told His followers to look for just before He returned. He expected us to realize He was quoting from Isaiah 13. Don't be misled! Get my book:
"Three Days of Darkness and the Coming Flood"
By: Jesus Villalobos
available now at: 5.00 digital download
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