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Comments from readers about Elizabeth Chalker's book.

PASTOR CHARLES CARRIN: "Elizabeth Chalker knows the reality of pain and the power of God. She has experienced both. As a writer, Elizabeth has profound educational credentials. As a young woman battling the disappointment of broken health, a cancelled engagement, and collapsed career, her book challenges us with truths we desperately need to hear. Without that challenge our understanding the drama of life will remain incomplete.

I am now in my 60th year of ordained ministry and can say without hesitation that Elizabeth Chalker is one of the top-ten people I most admire. Her courage, heroism, and freedom of criticism, is an example I wish the whole world could see. Hopefully, this book will help achieve that. 
Elizabeth has walked "through the valley of the shadow of death" and most of the time she has walked it alone. But, she kept walking and continues walking even to this day. In an especially dark part of the journey a new Friend stepped out of the shadows and said, "Let Me help you carry that cross." The two of them, journeying together, have not yet reached the end of the valley.

The end of the suffering in this life is not in sight. In the meantime, this special young woman continues to be part of the "light that shines in darkness".
 Read her book. You will see what I mean"

— Charles Carrin


HELEN METAXAS RASER: "I am blown away by Elizabeth's book, just as I knew I would be, by Elizabeth's personal insight into human suffering at its worst ... her level of unwavering faith in the midst of a burning inferno ... and the incredible inspiration that keeps me going through my own trials.

It is absolutely mind boggling that Elizabeth was able to write this spiritual masterpiece while in the middle of such pain and torture. What would have taken most authors a few weeks or months to compose has been 10 years in the making for Elizabeth. It is so glaringly obvious that every word written is God-inspired and a true labor of love and faith. It is a collection of writings while in the midst of the burning inferno that has been Elizabeth's life during her 20-year battle with undiagnosed Late Stage Chronic Lyme Disease and Lyme-induced Endometriosis, that have ravaged her body, but not her spirit. Every word is God-inspired, heartfelt, and inspirational. One thing is certain: You will never be the same after reading it. By purchasing this book, you will enrich your life, while also helping to save Elizabeth’s life.

Elizabeth - you touch so many lives with the beauty, truth, and love inside of you. You are a true angel of God and my life is so much better with you in it. I love you!"


JULIE SMITH: "There isn't a page that I could just open up to and feel your honesty, your love for Jesus (even if it is a page with a cry for help) and feel His very presence as you pen your thoughts as you have been journeying along with Him. Your citizenship is in Heaven and the very beat and pulse of your obedience to Him is overwhelming. Your decision to hang on and write is so amazing that I really wish the whole world would open their eyes and be blessed by you and your writings. I am 61 and am learning things that you already know at such a young age. ... As I pray for you, tears stream down my face because I love you for standing tall even when you could hardly sit up. Your book gives so much hope and that precious hope that we have in Jesus."


ALICIA MCMILLIAN: "I couldn't put this book down, it was touching, and inspiring. A raw look into the struggle of a beautiful women dealing with unbearable pain with all odds against her. Letting go, and letting God take over, her undying faith brings her to a place of peace and acceptance. I will never be the same after reading this book, it will inspire you to keep fighting the fight. God is truly Good. We love you, Elizabeth. ~Hugs~" 


DR. COREY CAMERON: "Anyone who can purchase Elizabeth's book, I want you to know that you will be much more blessed by what's written inside than the investment you make to purchase it. I am with Elizabeth more than anyone and know better than anyone, what she suffers every moment and her book blessed me, inspired, me, challenged me, convicted me, strengthened me, motivated me and left me filled with love. Please go to her website and get one for yourself, you will not regret it and you will not only bless yourself with this gift, you will be helping Elizabeth to get the medical help she needs to save her life. Blessings to all and thank you for your support."





"I don’t know if there is really a way for anyone to understand the depths of pain and suffering from which this work of Elizabeth’s springs. The reality of her minute-to-minute existence is far too unbelievable to wrap the mind around. Most of the writing was done in a very dark, cold room in complete silence. Much was done with the computer on Elizabeth’s lap, with her typing with her eyes closed, as the light even from the computer screen was too much, too painful. All of it was done with a continual headache/migraine, as those only change in level of severity. She worked in small increments in between excruciating, unbearable physical pain and exhaustion, and moments of reprieve where the physical pain/symptoms and migraines were “bearable enough.”...To me, she is the epitome of what God wants for all of us. To love where there is no evidence, give when there’s nothing left and believe where there is nothing left to hold onto except “the scratch marks our nails left behind.”

A PERSONAL NOTE FROM DR COREY CAMERON ABOUT ELIZABETH CHALKER: "It is hard to even explain what Elizabeth lives and even harder to explain how in the face of that, she is the most faithful, loving, devoted person I know. I don't know of anyone who lives what she is living. Though there are so many suffering, she is mostly alone. I am there when I can be, but it is just the two of us. With the loss of our very special boy, Symon, the emptiness is unspeakable. Yet she is still the beautiful, angelic, loving, faithful, devoted child of God as always.

When she writes, it is obviously God inspired. She often had to write on her computer, in her closet where it was the darkest, and type with her eyes closed because she couldn't stand the light of the computer even with sunglasses on. She is never without a migraine and severe pain. I don't know how she is even able to put a sentence together or why she even cares to. Yet no matter what, when I have a need, no matter what she is experiencing, no matter how deep the pain, she somehow pulls herself up by her bootstraps and supports me like no one I've ever known. And she does that for so many others, too.

Elizabeth is truly inspirational and unfortunately that is not enough to mobilize the help she needs. I have always said that I just don't understand this suffering in the darkness. If it were televised and the world could see what she suffers and know her strength and learn from it, then maybe there would be a purpose far greater than we can understand. But she suffers alone, in the dark, and she suffers more than I can tell you for the loss of her four-legged son, Symon, who was truly her son. She continues to live on in this lonely darkness, and keeps trying in spite of nothing showing up. She is pure love and all she wants to do is share that love, give to the world to make it a better place."


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