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Christian Book Marketing - New Christian Book Release

The Gospel You’ve Never Heard:
An Understanding That Will Change Your Life
Maurie Daigneau
Rediscovering the Gospel describes Christian Author Maurie Daigneau’s new book. He writes, “I did not write The Gospel You’ve Never Heard to intentionally repeat anything. I wrote it to clarify and to bring to light an understanding of the gospel that has been lost to the church and world for a very long time. It needs to be rediscovered. “…challenging, thought-provoking, and quite possibly deeply convicting” describe the author’s own sentiments about this book.
Readers will also find this book to be a powerful and transformational voice for the truth of the Gospel spoken from a compassionate and Biblical viewpoint. Different facets of what it is to understand and be obedient to Christ offers a deeper understanding of how and why the Gospel is fully relevant to one’s life, and not just in an eternal sense. Included at the end of each chapter are reflection questions for personal use and/or group Bible study.  
Blending his own life experiences, the author goes to great lengths to bring great understanding of exactly “what” this “Good News” means to all aspects of life, as he found the truth of relying on God as the “only Teacher.” With that, he dispels confusion and misconceptions, as he offers the overall “bigger picture” to bring clarity in a world that seems bent on violence, disobedience to God, and destruction. In short, he relays a message to all that is the basis of Proverbs 4:7: "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; and with all your acquiring, get understanding."
His purpose in writing the book is over his concern of the Biblical and spiritual decline that America finds itself. The author mentions the hypocrisy, coupled with the lack of preaching and understanding of the truth of the Gospel, that has led this country to a place that is far from obedience to Christ – even for those who call themselves Christians.
He also differentiates the Law, dying from the old-self (unregenerate and separated from God) to the Regenerate (Spirit-filled, set apart, new life in Christ), as the inner man that is set free from the captivity of sin. Christ’s sacrifice is wonderfully and easily explained through Scripture and apostle Paul’s teachings in Romans and Hebrews. This book is a vital must-read to all those who desire truth.
Christian Author Maurie Daigneau expresses that living in the “Light” of God’s Kingdom and wisdom is to obey Christ’s commands. Phenomenal and written for “such a time as this” he calls all into a journey of rediscovering the true Gospel that will dramatically impact our daily lives, our family, our cities, nations, and the globe. Without pointing a finger, he speaks with great conviction, offering answers to some of life’s deepest questions while presenting truths of Scripture.

A highly recommended and impactful life-changing read! A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars.
You may get your copy of The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding That Will Change Your Life at Amazon and Kindle.

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